Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kale Salad

Kale is one of those super foods that have immense health benefits (see chart for it’s impressive specs). The problem is that most people don’t know how to prepare it…at least not well. This recipe was inspired by True Food’s Kitchen’s kale salad that really impressed our table of food savvy women. The dressing is light and refreshing. Be sure to start with perky leaves that are not browned or wilted to ensure a crisp, fresh tasting end product.

1 bunch kale (about 8 leaves)
Zest of one lemon
¼ cup lemon juice
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup agave
¼ cup parmesan cheese, grated
1 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
Tip: place cut leaves in a pasta
steamer so that you can dunk the
kale and get it out quickly and easily.

Cut tough stems from the center of each leaf of kale. Cut leaves in strips. Blanch leaves by dunking in boiling water. 5 seconds, just enough time to push all the strips under water. This will really bring out the color, while softening the texture. Immediately transfer to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. Combine the rest of the ingredients and whisk thoroughly. Spin the kale dry and toss kale with dressing. Serve immediately after dressing.

links; Whole Foods for the Holiday's


  1. Hi Kara, I finally tried this recipe and it was very delicious, however I am wondering if I got the texture right. It was still pretty "chewy..." not soft but not crispy like other lettuces. Did I get it right? I only ever use kale in our smoothies but otherwise I am pretty new to it so I'm wondering if you could enlighten me.

    Also, dressing was delicious. When you have time can you post a few other dressings? I'm sure you do others, and I'd love to try them. Most organic brands are no better than the regular, featuring winning ingredients like "organic soybean oil."


  2. Yes, it is chewy. It is a tougher green than romaine and green leaf and such.

    I love that dressing, I will work on some more dressing posts as that is all we use since the store bought ones are ALL made with bad for you ingredients no matter how healthy the label claims!


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