Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chicken Barley Soup

Who didn't get sick this winter? Wow, it has been rough! We usually get by with a few sniffles but this year we endured week long fevers, 3 day flu's and horrendous coughs. Truly, the best medicine is chicken soup, more specifically the chicken stock in the soup. I learned this from Dr. Oz in You, the Owner's is more than an old wives tale and mind over is science. So you got to use the real stuff, no bullion is going to get you feeling better.

This is a simple chicken noodle soup recipe with the noodles replaced with barley. I like the barley for 3 reasons. 1) Health of coarse, noodles are made with whole grain flour at best in most cases white flour which means VERY little nutrition. Whole grains that have not been broken down into flour have a lower glycemic index which means they have less of an impact on blood sugar. 2) Barley makes it hearty, this soup is filling. 3) Left over noodle anything is mushy - yuck. This soup is actually BETTER the second and third meals, that is extra points in my book, it also freezes well.
Now for the ingredients...Spike is a natural seasoning blend that is found in the baking aisle of any major grocery store. Ultragel or ultra maxigel are modified corn starch products that are great to add a bit of thickness to soups, dressings and syrups. Get it at Preparing Wisely or Grains Plus. Depending on how salty your stock is, you may need to salt the end product. Hulless'll have to come back tomorrow to learn more in my "One Grain at a Time" post on all things barley.

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
3 celery stalks, chopped
1 cup dry hulless barley
3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon Spike
1 chicken breast
6 cup chicken stock
5 carrots, peeled and chopped
½ teaspoon pepper

Sautee onion, celery and barley in oil. Add garlic, Spike, chicken and stock . Simmer 20 minutes or pressure on high 7 minutes, quick release. Remove chicken breast from pot and shred. Return chicken to the pot and add carrots and pepper, simmer 5 more minutes, or pressure 1 minutes, natural release. Check for salt. Add water if needed and thicken slightly with a couple tablespoons of ultragel. Serves 6 - 8.


  1. I wanted to tell ya how much I love your new header and all your fabulous recipes. I will have a treat for you on my blog later today...

  2. what is the big difference between stock and bouillon? do you ever use bouillon or are there recipes that bouillon works better or do you just stick with stock?

  3. also, if you can't find hulless barley, would pearled work?

  4. Stock is uber healthy. It is made with chicken bones which are cooked. This draws out flavor, and nutrients. While bullion isn't even real food. It is fake flavoring that attempts the flavor of the real thing. I do use a "soup base" that is like a bullion alternative to kick up flavor, and for food storage. It is called Haco and I have only found it at Preparing Wisely.

    Pearled barley will work just fine!


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