Wednesday, May 30, 2012

GAPS Hawaiian Haystacks

I never was much for this hodgepodge of a meal.  Never had it growing up, can you believe we never even had rice, ever? Weird, right? Not only did the flavors and textures not mesh with me, but the chicken sauce was always made with some cream of something in a can and those tinned globs always have grossed me out.  Even when I was ten, I despised my mom’s green bean casserole because of that mystery goop. Since I have discovered the roux, and more recently the GAPS roux (white bean flour and butter), I have been able to enjoy thick gravy sauces in abundance.

A Hawaiian Haystack doesn’t have to be Hawaiian for me, but it does need to have a theme of flavors.  Cheese and coconut with tomatoes and celery? That is too weird for me. A Chinese haystack with peppers, onions, broccoli and cashews, sounds good.  A Thai haystack with carrots, bean sprouts, basil, spring onions and peanuts, yep. Italian stack with hot peppers, tomatoes, oregano, zucchini and pinenuts, mmm.

I get that the point of the meal is to clean out your fridge.  The kids love to pick and choose their favorite toppings and don’t care much about the culinary blend of complimentary flavors.  To each his own. At any rate, it is a great dish for a crowd and by using cauliflower rice or buttered and salted spaghetti squash for your base, while subbing the “can” or flour roux with a bean roux, it can be GAPS friendly too.

¼ cup butter
1 onion, diced
1 cup rich chicken stock
2 pounds boiled chicken
1 cup homemade sour cream
Salt and pepper to taste

Melt butter is sauce pan, add onions and cook down 10 minutes.  Stir in bean flour and cook 5 more minutes.  Add stock and stir constantly while sauce thickens.  Add chicken and sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.  Remove from heat. Serve over buttered spaghetti squash with toppings of your choice.


1 comment:

  1. I have to agree that the combination of ingredients DOES look quite weird for those of us brought up to separate sweets from meats, but hey, weird is sometimes good!..especially as the photo looks so yummy...time to head off to my kitchen :)


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