Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Coconut Syrup

This is when experimenting pays off, can you say YUM-O! This syrup is a 100% genuine recipe original. I started experimenting with syrup when I gave up on learning to like real maple syrup. It is just too strong for topping pancakes, though it works well to sweetening baked goods and hot cereals. I veered away from the FAKE Aunt Jemima type syrups long ago with the super sweet high fructose corn syrup and additives.

1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup sucanat
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup water
16 oz coconut milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

On medium heat dissolve sugars and salt in water, mix in coconut milk. Remove from heat, add vanilla.


  1. Great syrup recipe. I use a similar one but it has buttermilk in it. This one would be less fattening. Keep it up Kara, this will be great to have some new recipes. :) Heidi

  2. How fun to invent your own foods! I'm loving the food blog and mentioned it/you on our family blog. (Nancy's comment is that she needs a bit more information on the less familiar ingredients (i.e. agave and succant, what are they and where do you buy them)). I'm looking forward to trying out your healthy cuisines!

  3. Agave nectar is a liquid natural sweetener from the agave plant, it has a low glycemic index. You can find in any health food store and a lot of grocery stores usually by the honey. Sucanat is raw dehydrated cane sugar. It is dark like brown sugar and has a molasses flavor. Harder to find, I get mine at The Good Apple in Apache Junction.

  4. Yummy recipe! I replaced the sucanat with date sugar and it turned out great!

  5. Not sure what happened, but my syrup was very runny. Is it supposed to be that way? Is there a thickener you would suggest?

  6. Ultra Maxigel is a great product to thicken anything runny. Check it out at Grains Plus. You could also simmer to thicken.

  7. can you get succanat anywhere else?

  8. I'm sure sucanat is available many places, I just have not paid attention. I will keep a look out though.

  9. We made this today and loved it, but I had the same problem. Mine was more of a pancake juice. I thickened it with some corn starch, because it's what I had. Would it work to use a bit less coconut milk? My cans aren't 16 oz anyway, so I had to use 1 and a partial can.

  10. Yes, skip the water, use less coconut milk, use a thickener or simmer it to reduce. All of those method make it possible to get just the consistency you are looking for.


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