Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Basic Bircher Muesli

I had this delicious breakfast for the first time just last month.  My husband and I were on a Caribbean Cruise and I came across it on the breakfast buffet.  Breakfast is a hard place to find real food, and when you are eating out every meal 7 days in a row, you kinda want to find stuff that your body is used to so that you feel good.  The problem is there is so much sugar and refined foods, all the waffles, pancakes, bagels, pastries and muffins are made with white flour.  Scrambled eggs are usually made with powdered mixes and the diary is all skimmed, ultra pasteurized junk.

I mostly stuck to fruit and water, which is really a great light breakfast to eat when you are overeating for lunch and dinner.  Except on the days that we spent off the ship, we wanted a nice hearty breakfast that would last us into the afternoon so that we didn't have to stop to eat.  Luckily they did have smoked salmon and eggs over-easy, there is no tricking with egg powders there.  This was standard hearty breakfast, but I decided to try the muesli to round out the meal, even though I knew the dairy in it was terrible stuff.  What can I say?  I'm bad to the bone. It was so filling and took me through the day!  We would get back on the boat as late as 4pm without eating since breakfast without a problem.

I did come back with some wickedly congested lymph nodes thanks to that crappy dairy I suppose, but now I can make my own healthy version at home :)  I am so glad I picked this one up because it is so quick and easy to make.  It can also be changed up to incorporate different flavors.  I have listed my base recipe, but have come across some fun variations online by adding different dried and fresh fruits, nuts, spices, nuts. I saw many with grated apple, which I will definitely be trying.  The one in the picture I made super cinnamon-y.

I have found that I like to add fresh fruit and nuts just before serving, they are not as pleasant when they are soaked with the oats.  I add in some rye flakes when soaking because I heard somewhere that this helps the oats to be more digestible and now it is habit, totally your preference.  I also have been soaking this in the fridge verses the counter because I want it to be cold in the morning and I don't think ahead enough to get it started in the morning.  I have made up big enough batches to serve it a second day and it was just as good.

1 cup whole milk yogurt
1/3 cup rye flakes
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup raisins
2-3 tablespoons maple syrup
1 1/2 cups milk
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chopped almonds
1 cup fresh fruit

The day before, place yogurt, grains, raisins, maple syrup, milk, cinnamon and vanilla in glass bowl or jar.  Mix well, cover and refrigerate.  In the morning, sprinkle with salt, mix and serve up portions in bowls.  Top each bowl with nuts, fruit and additional milk or yogurt if desired.
links; Works for Me Wednesday, Real Food WednesdayThings I Love Thursday, Ultimate Recipe Swap, Simple Lives Thursday, Pennywise Platter


  1. I have a version of this on my blog, but with out the rye. I just call it cold oatmeal, and we eat A LOT of it in the summer.

    I love it becasue breakfast is made before I go to bed, and they love it becaue it qualifies as "cereal" a thing of the past...


  2. just noticed you use Nourishing traditions, too. YAY!

  3. I'll be trying this one soon! Where do you find rye flakes?

  4. I order my rye flakes through Azure Standard. They are fairly common in bulk bins at health food stores.

  5. Bircher muesli is one of our favs. We use my husband's Aunt's recipe (who is Italian) and it's super yummy. I'll be posting it on my blog soon. I'd love to try yours next time I do muesli.

  6. THIS IS SO GOOD!! Thank you so much Kara! We ate this Saturday morning sans rye flakes and oh my...brought me back to something, not sure what! My husband isn't so big on soggy or the idea of "cold oatmeal" but agreed the flavors were outstanding and after adding lots of crunchy toppings he loved it. My daughter (2 1/2) wasn't so hot on it but I think she'll like it after a few more trials, son (8 months) got a few tastes and he went nuts :)

  7. What was his crunchy toppings? I love that you keep trying with your daughter. I am glad to hear you enjoyed it very much :)

  8. Oh, nothing too exciting- just chopped apples and lots of nuts!

  9. Haha, this makes a ton! Especially for just me, my husband and 2 year old. I'll need to half it next time. Super yummy though. I used golden raisin because I like them a little better. Some chopped apples and nuts on top and we had a lovely breakfast!

  10. Nicole, I really appreciate you coming back to these recipes and taking the time to comment. I have 3 young boys that eat A LOT, this recipe barely feeds the four of us! They usually ask for seconds and are disappointed when there is none left.


It's rude to eat and run. Humor me with conversation please!