Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Garden Plans

The older boys are on off on their trip to visit their grandparents.  Just my little sweetie, my husband and I for one full week.  I foresee this being more of a vacation than a vacation!

I do have plans, however, to get out into the sweltering garden and pull out the plants that are done for the season.  I am planning on shutting down a few of my water lines to save $$.  My green beans have started drying up and I have been collecting the seeds.  I have plenty for the next season now, so compost time for what’s left.  I got all my onions and garlic out and dried.

My summer squash was terrible this year, between birds and blossom end rot.  At this point there is no hope for recovery when we still have 6 weeks of treacherous heat ahead.  I have peppers in the same row, which usually blossom again in August.  So while the peppers stay, I will use some of my green bean seeds for an early fall crop next to them.

Last year I tried to keep my tomatoes going through the summer, but a little-known fact about tomatoes is that their fruit doesn't set when day time temperatures are above 90 and nighttime doesn't get below 70.  So once that last fruit was picked in the summer, or eaten by the birds as was the case this year, I take the plants straight of the ground. This gives the soil a rest and opens up space for planting in August.

I need to find a better place for my strawberries.  Not being on automated watering is not working out so well.  Also hoping my husband gets to his tree trimming project.

My cucumbers are still growing strong, though we had a little mishap with the watering this week that may change all of that.  The sweet potatoes will stay in.  Hard to say how they are doing, but what is on top of the ground looks fantastic.

What big garden plans are in your future?
links; Works For Me Wednesday, Traditional Tuesday, Real Food Wednesday


  1. What does that mean, that the fruit won't set? I'm gardening for the first time this year. My heirloom tomato plants have fruit on them but it's still green. Will they not ripen?

  2. I did not know that about tomatoes. Though I'm not sure it will get to 90 this year. It's been a cool summer. Dang, that was too close to cruel summer. Now I have Bananarama stuck in my head...

  3. Miss M!, the point when the fruit is set is when the blossoms turn into tiny fruit. Yours will ripen if you continue to water and offer some noon time shade and keep them safe from the competition:) Enjoy.

    simply heidi, Ba ha ha ha!

  4. I am so excited! We are getting ready to put all of our garden on automated timers. This will be our 3rd planting attempt. We got quite a bit of food out of it this last time (it is the first time we were successful at all with the garden), but we also have attracted squash bugs. I've also discovered we have a ton of crickets - which possibly contributed to the demise of the blackberry twigs. Hopefully we will figure out how to get rid of them before planting more in Aug. I just planted my winter squash indoors so that it can get growing for Halloween Jack-O-Lanterns. Hopefully they will ripen in time!

  5. Automated timers are the greatest. I have not had a garden survive without one. I didn't know crickets harm plants.

    Make sure you get plenty of sunlight on those starts from the day they emerge, otherwise you will have weak, spindly plants and no jack-o-lanterns for Halloween.


It's rude to eat and run. Humor me with conversation please!