Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Whole Wheat Pita Pockets

Like tortillas, homemade pita’s are significantly superior to store bought. So tender and light, even whole wheat. Freshness is the key, for breads such as these decrease in quality quickly. The real treat is when they are still warm from the pan. I used to make these in the oven, but found that was unnecessary, a hot pan works even better. The trick is not to roll them too thin, which causes the steam to release and not form the air bubble that leaves a pocket.

2 cups hot water
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon salt
5 cups sprouted  flour
2 tablespoons yeast

In bosch bowl with dough hook place water, sugar, salt, and 3 cups flour with the yeast on top of the flour. Mix on low and slowly add remaining flour just until the dough pulls together and cleans the sides of the bowl. Knead 8 minutes. Divide dough into 4 ounce portions. Roll out to almost 1/2 inch thickness. Let rise for 15 minutes. Cook on a preheated cast iron skillet or other heavy bottom pan that retains heat on medium high. Flip every 30 seconds until both sides are brown, bread should puff up like a balloon while cooking. Cut each round in half, fill pocket with filling of choice like falafel or dip in hummus, baba ganouj or your favorite spinach and artichoke dip.
links; Whole Foods for the Holiday's


  1. I will definitely be making these. I have been loving grill cheese made on pita bread lately, so I would bet this would taste even better. Thanks!

  2. I made these with the hummus last night and it was so delicious! The hummus was the tastiest I have ever made! I think I may have done something wrong with the pita bread though. They didn't puff up when I cooked them. They tasted good though, and were very soft, but when I split them in half there was no pocket to stuff ingredients in. Did I add too much flour when I was kneading?

  3. It takes a bit of practice to get the bread to "puff." Number one is rolling the dough to at least 1/4 inch thick and no thinner. Also a nice and hot pan (450)that is thick enough that the heat doesn't drop while cooking. I find that turning every 20 seconds until the puffing starts helps as well. Also, make sure your yeast is good which is essential to rise at all.

  4. YAY!! im so grateful for your blog!! i love just taking a gander at it and finding all sorts of "jewels" of cooking.
    im so glad you posted these. i always wondered how the heck you made them :)


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