Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Brussle Sprouts with Bacon and Figs

The biggest problem with vegetables is not with the species themselves, but the way they are prepared. Usually waterlogged, overcooked with no attention to enhancing flavors. Some vegetables can stand alone, but many need to be gussied up. Pairing summer vegetables with fresh basil, bitter ones with something sweet and low flavor ones with high flavor accompaniments. I love standing over a display of vegetables, hand picking the perfect specimens while discussing recipes with a fellow shopper. I find myself leaving the market a little happier during these experiences.

If there is a vegetable you have not learned to enjoy, keep experimenting with it. I am convinced any vegetable can flatter any taste buds when the right preparation is discovered. For me, it is bacon. I NEVER eat bacon alone, it is not health food by far. But when a half slice of bacon can make the difference between enjoying my brussle sprouts and not, I go for it!

2 slices bacon, diced
2 cups brussle sprouts, trimmed and halved
6 dried figs, sliced
1/4 red onion, roughly chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup grated parmesean cheese

Fry bacon until crispy and fat is rendered. Remove from pan and place on a paper towel. Blanch brussle sprouts by dunking in boiling water for 10 seconds. Drain and add to pan, cut side down. Add figs, onion and salt. Sautee 5 minutes, or until carmelization occurs. Remove from heat, sprinkle with parmesean.

links; Whole Foods for the Holiday's


  1. that recipe would be great with some other vegetable. but i dont think any amount of bacon, or sweet thing could get me to eat brussel sprouts. i am a vegetable lover and for some reason, i could never get over the taste of brussel sprouts. just too weird of a flavor.
    you are so creative though. who would have thought bacon and fig?
    I LOOOOVE that you did a post on falafels. i am going to just soak that post in. i never get them right-- and i always spend lots and lots of time making them, and then cussing a lot afterward. :)

  2. This looks delish, beautiful side dish!! Thanks for sharing.

    (born in Iowa, living in Scottsdale)

  3. i dont eat bacon but this looks real good. im sure the bacon can be replaced with something else..
    anyway i love your blog



  4. Oh good! I just bought Brussels sprouts (not frozen) for the first time, and I halved them, cooked in a bit of olive oil, and then steamed. I like this idea...and I've been wanting to try fresh figs for a first time too!

  5. April, let me know how it goes with the fresh figs. I actually used dried-I will specify that in the recipe now.

  6. Oh, well, I planned on doing the fresh figs because I saw them in the store the other day, but now I'm too late because they are out of season. I got some dried at Good Earth. Thanks for the fun new recipe. My husband finished it off!


It's rude to eat and run. Humor me with conversation please!