Friday, April 24, 2009

One Grain at a Time

From babies first bites, they are exposed to overly processed foods. The rice flakes that come in a cardboard box are a sorry excuse for food. The baby food industry is highly deceptive in making parents think their product is superior to anything you could make at home. In a like manner they persuade parents with ever-easier to prepare products and packaging. The facts are that baby food is simple to make and more importantly far superior to the super processed, preservative laden, sugar added products on the shelves of the grocery stores.

The kefir in this recipe can be substituted for apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, it aids in making the grain more digestible and the minerals absorb able. Alternatively you may soak in just water for 3 days. If your baby is not getting used to the sour flavor, simply soak the grains while whole and rinse before blending.

First Mouthfuls (4 months and older) Millet, Brown Rice
Beginners (6 months and older) Amaranth, White Quinoa
Big Eaters (9 months and older) Barley, Oats

1 cup whole grain
5 cups water
1 tablespoon kefir

Grind grain in blender for 3 minutes. Sprinkle and whisk flour into water and kefir, slowly. Ferment 12 -24 hours. Bring to a simmer, stirring constantly. Turn heat to low, cover for 5 minutes. Makes 5 cups. If cereal is lumpy place back in the blender or use and immersable hand blender. The cereal will be very runny, it thickens when cooled.

When babies begin with solids they only take in about 1 tablespoon per meal. In the first weeks this cereal will be thin and barely spoon-able (adding mom’s milk or water to thin it out.) Slowly babies will take in a higher quantity and a thicker consistency as much as a full cup. Keep this in mind when storing the cereal.

Cereals store well in the refrigerator for 5 days in an air tight container. When serving, use a clean spoon to scoop cereal from the storage bowl into a serving bowl, and never return uneaten cereal to the storage bowl.

Storage -Freezer
Ice cube trays work well for double batches when you don’t know how much your baby will eat in the months to come. Just pour warm (not hot) cereal evenly into trays, cover in plastic wrap and place on a flat place in your freezer. Next day, pop the cubes out with clean hands into a clean freezer bag or container, label with grain name and date made. Baby food jars and other 4 oz. containers are great for singles servings. Or freeze cereal in larger containers, just be sure to thaw in the refrigerator a couple days before you will need to use them and use them up quickly.

To reheat, place serving in a ramekin and place the ramekin in a pan of hot water with the lid on. If it is frozen, let simmer for 5 minutes. If the cereal is too thick, add a little water to the dish. Thin cereals can be thickened by adding a small about of commercial baby food (Earth’s Best is a good brand) After cereal has been served plain and vegetables have been successfully introduces, add a tablespoon pureed fruit per ¼ cup cereal.


  1. I had lots of fun making pureed veggies & fruit for baby boy this summer & fall, but now I feel bad that I didn't realize how simple baby cereal is! I'll have to file that away for Babe #3 (whenever that might be). I will say he loved all the homemade food - much more so than the pre-packaged variety. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm linking up to this from YNBAM : )
    And go enter my giveaway if you haven't already!

  3. Thank you for this! My boy is almost 6 mo. I am curious to see when he will want/need more than breastfeedings!

  4. My baby is turning 6 months old in a few days and is super interested in food. I cannot wait to make this for her! I'm going to get some started right now actually. I can't wait to give her such a wonderful nutritional start (besides breastmilk which I'm already giving her).


It's rude to eat and run. Humor me with conversation please!