Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Real Food Kitchen Tour on Cheeseslave!

5 years ago my kitchen went from a one-butt kitchen to a crowd-of-butts kitchen.  I used to have one counter of work space that was laid across a dishwasher and butted up against a sink, which was next to the stove.  If someone was in the kitchen it was full.  The fridge was the only thing accessible. It was exciting to dream up the possibilities that an addition offered.  We designed it ourselves; it has all the features I love.  Take the tour today featured at Cheeseslave.

1 comment:

  1. I've just been scrolling down looking at all the recipes I've somehow missed! I know there's some chili in my near future! LOL

    Going to take the tour!


It's rude to eat and run. Humor me with conversation please!

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