Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homemade Tortilla Teaser

THE Tortillas was my first recipe post I made on this blog, so you might have missed it.  The pictures are blurry and I still haven’t updated them even though I have made them around 25 times in the last year!  I have changed up the ingredients a bit, using sprouted flour and a bit less white flour.  Also, I’ve made them more often with coconut oil and have gotten used to the coconut-y flavor and found it is really hidden with a bit of cumin.  I have looked into soaking them, but it seems to change the texture quite a bit and I am not sure I am ready for that as I absolutely LOVE these tortillas just the way they are.  So I go on making extra healthy fillings, never eat them plain or with just cheese.  This way I can justify the white flour, but that is just me-- don't judge.

These are the kind of people I have been teaching for the past year and they are showing improvement.  Practice makes perfect.

I have only one spot left in my Homemade Tortilla Class on Friday, so if you want it, you better act fast.

This post is part of Real Food Wednesdays.


  1. I use passionate homemaking's recipe, which called for soaking. Since they were soaked, it allowed me to use all freshly ground whole wheat while still attaining the loveliest,
    softest texture. They were like heaven. HEAVEN. I cooked them in butter because, well you would understand-- taste is trump. Try it!!! No more guilt girl!

  2. I will be looking that up! Thanks for the lead.


It's rude to eat and run. Humor me with conversation please!

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