Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Decided to do a little journal of our experience on the GAPS diet.  The diet promotes bowel cleansing, which lessens the toxins in the blood, while allowing healing to take place.  You can read more about it here.  We are working on a case of ADHD for number 1 that almost had us filling a script for Ritalin last school year.  Abnormal bowels for number two, who is really gassy and takes a long time in the bathroom.  Possible food allergies for number 3, he gets a rash around his mouth regularly and with our varied diet, it has been hard to pin point the culprit.  We suspect strawberries.  Number 1 and 2 also have dog and cat allergies that I am hoping to clear up, though I have not come across any information that would suggest this is possible.  I am doing the diet as well, mostly because it is easier that way.  I am sure my gut is not in perfect working order and can benefit.  Now that we are 8 days in, I know that it was important for me to start this with them so that I could feel how they felt.

I had been thinking about undertaking this huge project for a while,  contemplating how I would keep others from feeding my kids.  Before I had even read the book, I got a spiritual prompting that I needed to set a date.  3 weeks before school starts gives us time to get through the toughest part of the diet and find our groove.

It was the scariest thing for me.  I love food, especially variety.  I struggled through the first few days, then I embraced the challenge to make these same foods day in and day out taste different and yummy.  I wasn't planning on blogging about this, but if I didin't, I might have fallen off of the face of the blog-o-sphere.  Truly, if I ever find myself needing to go back and do the GAPS introduction diet again, I want a record of past mistakes and successes.  If anyone else gets inspiration by what I write, that would be an added bonus. And if anyone feels inclined to share their wisdom, or encouragement, double bonus!


  1. Yes, GAPS can help cat/dog allergies. My friend's son had his severe dog allergy clear up on GAPS.

  2. Yay! I am so excited to hear that. Really hoping to see those great changes come our way.

  3. Thanks for sharing your journey. I just ordered the book and plan on doing GAPS with my family. My ds, who just turned 3, has food and envir allergies, and possible ADHD. We're hoping this helps... With something! :)

  4. hi kara! just hopped over here after seeing you on cheeseslave today- i am crazy about your kitchen!! wow. so pretty and practical!
    i have been reading through your every post just now, loving them. thank you so much! i am super encouraged and inspired:) i just started gaps on november 1st, so i am hoarding gaps recipes like a mad woman and getting excited about introducing foods again! hope you and your little fam are feeling healthy :) i'd love to hear if those allergies go away. how awesome would that be?!

  5. Eagerly awaiting...the kids were exposed to a cat this week and still reacted the same. Fingers crossed! And thank you for being so kind :)


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