My first grader is in a 2 week summer camp and needs to bring the requested "non-perishable" snack each day. There are not a lot of health options out there as real food spoils. I made these "lara bars" this morning using Jenny's simple instructions for my son to get some real sustenance each day at camp instead of a hand full of food-like substance. I found the print material very helpful to refer to not only the recipe from the video, but also a chart that gave me options to use different fruits and nuts in the recipe. You will also find all the hows and whys for soaking nuts and seeds along with some great worksheets for you to write up your own thoughts and recipes using her formula.
I love that my enrollment includes lifetime access to the materials so I can go back and refresh and not be pressured to get through it all by a certain time. Life is crazy and things come up, especially in the summertime. I am excited to start browsing this Tuesday and being inspired to do new things, or old things in a new way.
Take a look at the bonus lesson and see if it is something that might be for you too. If you enroll through any link on my site I will get credit for the sale, but I am only promoting the e-course because I truly feel it is valuable information that will help you navigate traditional cooking with real food in this fast food world.